Monday, March 30, 2009

New Calling

When I decided to move back home, I was talking to my friend and her mom about it, and my friend asked, "How long do you think it will be until you get a calling?" I told her that I knew it would be pretty fast, because the ward isn't extremely large, and there were a lot of positions open. Then her mom said to me, "Just don't tell the Bishop you're moving home!" :) For those of you who don't know, my dad is the bishop, so obviously he would know I was moving home, and obviously she was joking! :)

So, I got a call on Saturday to meet with the first counselor in the bishopric on Sunday morning before church. Because of the fact that my dad was the first counselor when I was in Young Women's, I knew that he is positioned over the Young Women, and I hoped that my calling would be there. I LOVE the primary, and would happily work in the primary again, (I was in the nursery for about a year, and then the primary chorister for about two and a half years and I loved every minute of it!) but I wouldn't mind a change.

Bada-Boom. Bada-Bing. I am now the first counselor in the Young Women Presidency. I knew that the previous first counselor was getting married, but I didn't think that they would call me to that position, because my little sister Jami is the second counselor, and I didn't think they would want sisters in there. I was thinking more along the lines of Personal Progress Leader. My dad and the YW President told me that they were extremely confident with having me and Jami as the counselors, and that they knew we'd be good for the girls. I love the YW's president, it is Kathy Andreason, for those who may know her. She's always been a great example to me, she's very fun-loving and friendly, and I am very excited to work with her!!!
I am most excited to work with the girls! The ones who are Laurel's were beehives when I was a Laurel, and most of the beehives were girls that I worked with in the primary, and have recently turned 12. I already know most, if not all of the girls, and I know how wonderful they all are, and I hope that I can be a good leader to them, and also a good friend. I know that I am still really good friends with a lot of my former leaders, and I know that they would still do anything for me. That is how I want to be as well.
One more bonus....girl's camp is one of the funnest places on earth. I have NEVER had a bad girl's camp experience!!
Wish me luck!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First Post Ever!

Hello World! My friend Wendy, and her sister Jess, told me that they thought I should start my own blog. At first I thought, there is NO WAY my life is interesting enough to fill up a blog! Then I thought more about it, and realized that I'm not able to keep in constant contact with people, (including my older sister who lives 13 ish hours away) and that a blog might be good way for them to keep tabs on me. Not to mention I love looking at other people's blogs, and I get extremely excited when I see that one has been updated! So here is my blog...

I recently moved back home to my parents house, to save on money and pay off my car before I start my final year of school. I'm studying Elementary Education, and during my final year,which is still about a year away :( I will be student teaching which will become my full time job, so I need to save, save, save.
I work at an OBGYN, which is obviously not what I want to do for the rest of my life, but for now it's paying the bills, and they are willing to work with me on school hours, which is a huge blessing!

Here's a real quick story for you all, I was babysitting my brother Ryan's kids the other night (I don't want to use their real names for safety reasons, so we're going to call my nephew Cosmo :) Well, we were eating dinner, and Cosmo said, "Kelli, when are you going to have a kid so that I can play with him when I come to grandpa T-Rex's house?" (That's what he calls my dad!) I told him that I have to get married before I can have kids, then he said, "You could marry grandpa." I told him that I couldn't do that, because grandpa is my dad, so he suggested that grandpa marry grandma so they could have a kid. I told him that they were married, and that grandma and grandpa already had six kids, including me. Then he got really frustrated and said, "Yeah, but you're a big kid, I want a little kid to play with."
I love being an aunt! It is ABSOLUTELY my favorite thing in the world! I am so blessed and so grateful that my brothers and their wives allow me to be such a major part of their children's lives, because they truly are a blessing!

That's all for now, I'll update as often as I have time, but who knows how that will go! :)
Peace out! Girl/Boy Scout! :)